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Based on the letter of the Director General of Higher Education No. 1259/D/T/97 dated May 29, 1997 regarding Mandate Expansion, it is possible for UNY to open a new non-educational study program. To follow up on the letter from the Director General of Higher Education, taking into account the supporting capacity it has, the Department of Administrative Education, Faculty of Social and Economics (FISE) UNY deems it necessary to propose the opening of a new non-educational study program, namely the State Administration Studies Program. The main supporting capacity is the availability of lecturer resources owned by the Office Administration Education Study Program which has been established for a long time. PSAP was opened based on the Letter of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 2107/D/T/2007 dated August 2, 2007 regarding Permits for Administration of State Administration Study Program (S1) and starting in 2008 FISE UNY opened the State Administration Study Program. At the beginning of the opening, the study program was in the Department of Administrative Education. However, based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 23 of 2011 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of UNY on June 22, 2011, there was an expansion of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences. With this change, the Department of Administrative Education is in FE UNY, while the State Administration Science Study Program (PSIAN) is at FIS UNY (The flow of development of FIS UNY can be seen in Figure 1). The existence of PSIAN remains in FIS by considering the characteristics of the curriculum which is closely related to political science and administration and the positioning of study programs at other universities in Indonesia. The follow-up was the issuance of the UNY Chancellor's Decree No. 014 of 2013 concerning Approval of Departments at FIS UNY, PSIAN changed to Department of State Administration (JIAN). Adjusting the nomenclature of the name of the study program in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education number 16/KPT/I/2019 dated January 29, 2019 regarding the Change of the Name of the Study Program at Yogyakarta State University in Yogyakarta, the State Administration Science Study Program changed to the Public Administration Study Program.
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