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Quality Assurance
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“Quality of the study program is maintained to achieve the goal by several assessments referring to the quality assurance of the graduated program and the university’s policies. This program has to provide a minimum services standard (SPM) and academic quality standard (SPA) to satisfy stakeholders. In this quality assurance, two factors are always noticed both internal and external factors.
The internal quality assurance system (SPMI) becomes the cornerstone of control and management of the education processes customized for stakeholders' needs. The regulation of the internal quality assurance (SPMI) refers to UNY Chancellor's Decree No. 41 of 2019. The SPMI UNY is implemented consistently, systemically, and sustainably, through the stages of the cycle of standard Determination (Penetapan/P), Implementation (pelaksanaan/P), Evaluation (evaluasi/E), Control (pengendalian/P) and Improvement (peningkatan/P) that called PPEPP cycle.
The study program also complies to the external quality assurance conducted by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and higher education databases (PDDikti), the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. In December 2020, the Bachelor of Administration Study Programme has Accreditation Excellent (Unggul) with SK BAN-PT No.1562/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PNB/S/III/2021.
Example of quallity assurance in learning.
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